Add a Payment Method

What is a Payment Method?

A payment method is a way that customers pay for a service or product. Accepted payment methods are:

  • Debit Orders (SwitchTransact has its own debit order method called "Debit Switch")
  • Manual Cash or EFT
  • Card Payments (Yoco, Payfast, PayGate)

Step 1. Navigate to Payment Methods

  • Navigate to Settings > Finance > Payment Methods

  • On the top-right hand side of the page, click on "Create".

Step 2. Provide Details for your Payment Method

  • Payment Provider: This is a mandatory field. Select a Payment Provider.

  • Process Type: This is a mandatory field. Choose from Automatic, Manual, or Automatic (Approve First)

Manual: This process type means that "Batches" will have to be created manually by SwitchTransact.

Automatic: This process type means that "Batches" will be created automatically daily (This process type will only be for Card payments)

  • Amount Limit: This is the amount limit per subscription.
  • Amount Warning: Show warning when adding a Product/Subscription.

  • Default Bank Reference: Used for Transaction referencing.

  • Provider Token: Payment Provider API token.
  • Abbreviated Name:

  • Is Test: If in Test mode, no emails will be sent, and only test accounts used for payment processing.
  • Is Active: Check the box to make this payment active.
  • Is Default: Check to make this the default payment method.

  • Subscription Default Document Type: Select this option if you want Invoicing to be created when a Subscription is created.

  • Send out finance document: Select this option if you want Invoicing to be sent out when a Subscription Invoice is created. (Also known as Automatic Invoicing)
  • Generate finance document on payment failure: This toggle enables the system to generate an unpaid invoice when a payment fails, instead of a paid invoice.

  • Generate PDF Mandates: Check this option when you want to create a Mandate for members. When enabled, you can provide basic information for your client, like a Business letterhead etc...

  • Send PDF Mandates: When enabled, these mandates will be sent out to the members.

  • Click on Save.

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